
It's in our DNA

Creating a Better World.

 Sustainability is in the DNA of Ab Ovo. At Ab Ovo, we strongly believe in creating a better world together and we are committed to supporting our customers to become continuously more efficient and sustainable.

We do not only provide our customers with sustainable technology solutions, but we also want to be a sustainable technology company ourselves. That is why we take a critical look at our footprint, designing our energy consumption and our business processes as sustainably as possible. For this we use the CO2 Performance Ladder. This is a measuring system that helps organizations to reduce their CO2 emissions in a structural way.




Ab Ovo Management statement CO2 reduction.

Ab Ovo wants to live up to our responsibility to protect the climate. One way we do this is with our products, we are committed to supporting our customers to become continuously more efficient and sustainable. Smart digitization enables our customers with better strategic, tactical and operational decisions and consequently supports them to lower CO2 emissions.

But that is not all; we as Ab Ovo strive to continuously challenge ourselves on how we can do better; Ab Ovo is constantly looking at how we can improve our own behavior and processes. This is reflected, amongst others, in objectives in the field of;

  • Fleet management: By 2030, our entire fleet will consist of electric cars
  • Business travel: making conscious choices about the necessity and which transport; for short business trips, the train is preferable to the plane or car
  • Office and -equipment: We will continuously explore the possibilities in our offices to reduce CO2. We are selective in our choices for office equipment and we proactively make our employees aware of how to make sustainable use of our offices

Last but not least, is our CO2 compensation program. As part of the portfolio of Nordian we compensate our CO2 since 2019. We have committed to measuring our CO2 emissions and reducing our output every year. The remaining emissions are compensated at the end of each year through a forestry partnership with LandLife.

Ab Ovo CO2 emissions are calculated every quarter by an independent specialist. Emissions that remain after these reductions are compensated at the end of the year by planting trees in Spain and Texas. This is achieved by the Land Life Company, a firm that is specialized in CO2 reduction through reforestation.

Ab Ovo is frontrunner in her industry in offering her customers a portfolio of products and solutions that enables their decarbonization.

Member Club of 49.

In July 2023 Ab Ovo joined Club of 49, a network of enthusiastic companies that want to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 49% by 2030. Members of the Club exchange knowledge and experiences and investigate how the 49% reduction can also be translated into the business chain. Members of the Club use the SmartTrackers application to provide insights into how they can reduce CO₂ emissions; they record their results concerning the set goal and can communicate with clear figures about the actual progress.

Communication CO2 Performance Ladder

Ab Ovo wants to be transparent about its energy consumption and about the measures for more efficient energy use. To stakeholders and to employees. We have established a regular reporting and communication process in line with the CO2 Performance Ladder requirements. On a regular base, for the majority of the activities every six months, we will inform both internal as well as our external stakeholders on our CO2 emissions, reduction targets, policies and participation in initiatives.

The table below presents a summary of our communications plan, outlining details such as frequency, target audience content and the responsible team.

Resource Frequency Target audience Content Responsible
Integrated annual report Yearly All internal and external stakeholders General affairs, Energy policy, CO2 footprint, progress, and objectives, measures and initiatives Board
External website Half-yearly All internal and external stakeholders Energy policy, CO2 footprint, progress, and objectives, measures and initiatives Sustainability team & communications team
Progress meetings Half-yearly Leadership Update on general affairs, Energy policy, CO2 footprint, progress, and objectives, measures and initiatives Sustainability team
Ab Ovo internal communication systems Half-yearly All Ab Ovo employees Update on general affairs, Energy policy, CO2 footprint, progress, and objectives, measures and initiatives. Next to that announcement for individual contributions and projects Sustainability team & communications team
Internal statements On need basis All Ab Ovo employees General matters/updates Board
Contracts Once before processing Suppliers CO2 emissions Contractholder


Reports Downloads

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