Written by: Mairaj Zindran  
DELMIA Quintiq | 2 mins read  


For the past 25 years, the Ab Ovo optimization team has been working with DELMIA Quintiq software, solving complex planning puzzles in various industries.

The primary goal of optimization is to increase profitability by maximizing utilization and minimizing waste. The optimization goal is driven by and measured using KPIs and bound by business rules and regulations.

Optimization promotes standardization, improves planning certainty, and enables planners to make quick and well-informed decisions.


Ab ovo delivers an integrated planning solution to major European rail cargo transport operator

  • Optimization delivered out-of-the-box in Ab Ovo’s Rail Cargo Planning (RCP) solution
    • Location optimizer | Creates a location schedule | Minimizes number of locomotives used & travel costs
    • Driver shift optimizer | Creates a driver shift plan | Minimizes the number of shifts needed, travel between jobs & overnight stays
    • Local shift optimizer | Creates a shift plan to meet the staffing requirements | Minimizes under and over-supply
    • Local Activity optimizer | Assigns activities to shifts | Minimizes the number of shifts planned | Smart planning of breaks that satisfy business regulations
    • Cyclic Roster optimizer | Creates an employee shift rotation | Minimizes the number of weeks needed in the rotation, respecting labor rules

     We are not limited by this list. Get in touch with us to find out how our optimization expertise can help optimize your planning and add value to your business.


  • 100s of trains | 1000s of planned employees | 100s of active planners
  • Long, mid & short-term planning | Day of ops planning | Disruption management
  • Hosted on Ab Ovo cloud | Real-time integration with external systems
  • Optimizers out-of-the-box in Ab Ovo’s RCP solution
  • A big leap towards the customers’ digital transformation goals
"Ab Ovo is a Platinum DELMIA Quintiq partner with 120+ specialized employees with a global customer footprint."